Saturday, October 24, 2009



I was in Shen Zhen for working. When I got off the bus stop near my home, I saw the Jockey Club was still packed with people. Even outside the club and beside the road, there were people (no matter woman or man) sitting down, carrying what seemed to be some sort of jockey books or newspaper. Hong Kong is a small city but with a huge gap between the poor and rich. To most of them the salary they got only sufficient for their daily lives, let alone to buy a house or a car or fulfill some sort of dreams. Therefore, I guess it is only with some sort of luck from jockey or lottery, they hope they could chase after their dreams some day soon, if that is happening!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


现在我一周里都会有两三天大约7点左右来到沙田的新城市廣場,到这里的舒适堡去健健身才回公司。 这一种一群人一起晨运的情况其实在上海都很常见,有耍木剑的,耍太极的,或者好像照片里这一种就是群体活动活动筋骨身体之类的。一起运动是很有趣的。大家对自己身体的健康也越来越着重了,无论是吃的,喝的。但是,有趣的是香港较为年轻的一代,好像还是饮食生活都很不健康。我还能看到很多年轻男女烟不离手,吃得不定时,而且都食肉少菜。我也觉得自己开始有一点受影响了。

Nowadays, I will go to New Town Plaza in Shatin around 7-ish in the morning to hit the Physical gym before going to work. Actually this sort of scenery where a bunch of people (normally middle-aged or elderly) gather around to work out together is also quite common in Shanghai. We can see people playing sword, doing taiji, etc. Working out together can be quite fun. Nowadays, people start really paying more attention to their health, however, I can still see the young generation does not so care about that -- still smoke like nothing, eat meat only no vegetable, and eat without any discipline. I think, somehow I can feel my health is a bit degraded by adhering to this type of lifestyle here.

Thursday, October 1, 2009



It is quite common in Hong Kong to see that a young Indonesian/Philippine maid accompanying a Chinese child. Sometimes it can be seen that the child is quite close to the maid. Hong Kong is undeniably a crowded yet small place with tons of pressures, busy work, and high competition. Almost every parent has to work, and work very late. These maids even though their salaries are not cheap (about HKD 9000 per month), but the parents need them to take care of their children. Is it one of the reasons why Hong Kong young generation has so many problems such as drugs abuse. I think they need their parents more than their maids, yet they cannot get what they desire for.